Mom and Her Mom-isms

Just thinking…

Mom had a subtle but keen sense of humor that jumped out every so often.  Usually it was accompanied by a tiny twinkle, but sometimes she just dead panned through to the end.  Here’s some examples:

1. Mom was hooked the first time she tried that gas station specialty….. “Cappu-keno”. She loved it so much that she made her own powdered version to mix with hot water whenever she wanted. We never did convince her to pronounce it any other way.

2. She had some other mis-pronunciations: A little boy named Eric became “Eeriek” when my mom pronounced it.

3.  Mom sometimes  would talk about getting the carpet fixed.  It was usually after a meal that contained cabbage…. or onions…. or beans…..

“Kenneth,” she would say to my dad, “we’ve got to get this carpet fixed.”

Or if we were outside, the line was, “Kenneth, we just have to get this grass fixed.”

If you are family, you can chuckle now.

4.  Mom loved the computer.  She was quite social and this was her tool to reach out and “chat” all over the world.  Her favorite social media?  “Facelift”…….

5.  We were poor.  Poor people have to find cheap ways to have fun.  So Mom introduced us to stomach rumbles.  This has to be done just a little after finishing a meal.  One person lays flat on the floor.  The next person lays with his/her head on person #1’s tummy.  Person 3 places his/her head on #2’s tummy.  And so forth.  The last person  has to have person 1’s head on his/her tummy.  Then we just rest and listen to the concert.  Other times we held a burp-off.

Guess you would have to be there……

Father, Thankful for humor and so very thankful to not live in a cheerless world.  Thank You for a mom who liked to laugh….. even at herself.  Amen

To God be the Glory,


Published in: on April 19, 2018 at 3:51 am  Leave a Comment  
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