Bent Nails

NOTE:  Today’s blog entry was written by my husband,  Perry Parson.

Just Thinking…..


I got to thinking today about bent nails. When I had finished 6th grade, my Dad and Mom moved us to a farm just south west of Argyle, Iowa. Money was stretched tight to keep the farm going, pay the mortgage, and just life in general. And so, when my brother and I asked our parents for materials to build a treehouse, they didn’t go to the lumber yard and bring back a truck load. Instead, they gave us some old used boards and a bucket of old bent nails. And Dad let us use his hand saw and a couple of his hammers.

So we had the wood and the tools but the nails were all bent. We then each got a short piece of rough cut, aged white oak lumber (that’s really hard stuff) and began to straighten the nails by pounding on them while they lay on the board. It takes some skill to do this, learned at the expense of sore fingers, and lots of patience. But eventually we had enough nails to start building.

For several days, we built until we ran out of nails, straightened more nails, and continued to build. When we were finished, we could climb up about three stories in the old silver maple we built in, and look out over the rolling fields. Sometimes I would lay on my back on the platform, feel the wind gently move the tree, and watch the clouds roll by. The sky seemed closer, the beauty of nature more grand.

I didn’t realize at the time (I’m no sure that my parents realized it either.), but doing the things we did to make that tree house taught me several life lessons:
1. Some things that are worth while take patience, sometimes lots of patience. Our treehouse villa was not built in a day.
2. Not everything in life will be handed to you on a silver platter. Hard work can bring forth so much more ownership and appreciation than if something is just given to you.
3. Make the best of what you are given. Bent rusty nails, when straightened out, hold boards together really well.
4. Sometimes things worthwhile are achieved with some pain. A hammer strike to a finger, splinters in the hands were painful at the time but easily forgotten later.
5. Just because something is bent and rusty, or splintered and warped, doesn’t mean it no longer has purpose.

Which leads me to this: I was a bent, rusty nail until Jesus saved me. And as He continues to work with me, even at age 70, I still have purpose for Him. Sometimes the straightening is even painful. But my view of God is clearer, closer as He continues to use me and shape me for His purpose

Father….. Thank You for seeing the worth in me. Thank You for how You took time to straighten me.  Amen

To God be the glory,


Published in: on March 26, 2019 at 4:19 pm  Leave a Comment  

Children Can Be Weird….And I Was a Child Once….

Just Thinking….

I have a vivid and strong memory….. and a vivid and strong imagination.  I was thinking of some of the shenanigans and strange ideas I had as a child.


I thought that I was an adopted Italian child.  Keep in mind that at that age, I had never been to Italy, but somehow had the notion that Italians were dark complected.  My parents were Swedes and Welsh.  I was a blue eyed tow-head.    But I was sure that I was Italian.  How did I make all this fit together in my mind?  I absolutely convinced myself that my parents sneaked into my bedroom after I fell asleep and powdered my body with talcum….. thus changing the skin tone.  It did bother me a bit when I washed my hands and face in the mornings….. and my skin was still pale.


Another  conviction that I had was that fingernails grow faster when wet.  I did a lot of dishes at the kitchen sink while living at home…. and my nails always seemed longer after a bunch of dishes.  My nails always grew fast anyway…. and I hated long nails…. so I cut them once or twice a week when they reached critical mass.  And really…. it still seems this way to me!!


A third belief was that somehow someone got under my bed before I had to go to bed at night.   I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they would reach out and grab my ankles if I got out of bed during the night.  What to do?   If I had to get out of bed, I stood on the bed and jumped as far as possible, landing with a huge THUMP on the floor.   But hey….. the boogie man didn’t get me…..


I was convinced that I could smell salt.  My dad had the habit of salting his food before he ate.  I mean…. he never even tasted it first…. just poured on the salt.  Me?  I sniffed everything first, and then added salt.   Full disclosure….. I still sniff my food when I am cooking to see if it needs salt……

I used to hate having any food on my plate touch another food. It became quite the engineering feat to manuever  foods to just the right  position and not have pea juice touch the mashed potatoes.  I used my knife and spoon to tilt the plate just so, built dams with the mashed potatoes, made sure the sliced tomato  was nowhere near the corn….. and so forth.    I ate about everything….. just didn’t want it contaminated!

Seriously, I needed  this:


Or this:


Father,  I thank You for making me unique….. and for getting me through those stages.  Thanks for parents who were infinitely patient.  Thank you for the ability to look back now and chuckle.  Amen

To God be the Glory…..



Published in: on March 15, 2019 at 10:43 pm  Leave a Comment  

Keep Them Together

Just Thinking……..

One year ago today we were finalizing the funeral arrangements for my mother.  My mother’s sisters were staying with us, and I was so grateful for their presence.  I admired how all of them, even though they lived in three different states, stayed close.  They were so funny together…. so gracious….. so loving.  It helped me immensely to be with them during this time.


I began to think about something my mother said to me  a few months before she died.  I was sitting beside her one night.  She reached over and held my hand, and then said, “Keep everyone together, Diana.  Keep them together.”   I know that her own close knit relationship with her sisters gave her a vision for that.

I also thought back to a specific time with my father.  He had reached the stage where he was in and out of reality.   It was hard for me to go along with his ramblings.   But this particular time, he was talking about  “…getting all the beds in here…..gotta make sure we have room for everybody….. gotta keep everyone together….”


He looked at me, and told me to measure the space and see if there was enough room for all the beds   I waited a moment while he watched me, and then said, “I think there’s enough room.”

Sly like a fox….. he shook his head and said, “You didn’t measure!  Get up and measure!”

So I stood up…. paced off a ways…. came back, and said, “Dad, there’s enough room for all our beds.”

He was satisfied.  “Gotta keep everyone together, you know?”  He looked at me.   “Keep everyone together.”

Tonight….. reflecting back on this past year……  I realize how important my parents’ concerns were.  They had focused their lives on keeping us all together, keeping us safe.  Now it was their concern for the future….. a future where  they would not be there providing the glue to keep us together.

Father, Help us be glue…..holding families together.  Amen.

To God be the Glory,




Published in: on March 15, 2019 at 3:18 am  Leave a Comment  

One Year Ago Today

Just Thinking…..

I have watched people die: my nephew, my mother in law, my father, my mother.  No two deaths are the same, and none that I have witnessed had the theatrics  seen in movies.

My nephew had cystic fibrosis.  The disease attacked his body in different ways, but the most serious in my opinion was his ability to breathe.  He reached a point where very quickly he had to be put on a ventilator while waiting for a lung transplant.  His condition went downhill rapidly and a short time later, we were told that there was no chance.  He was taken off the vent, but never regained consciousness.  Family was gathered around him and we watched his few labored breaths, watched his fingers grow gray.  We sang a hymn, closed our eyes for prayer, and he was gone.

When my mother in law died, a nurse introduced herself to me as Diana.  I told her that was my name, too.  She said that she was not usually on this floor, but was put on special duty here that night.    Mom Parson’s breaths grew more shallow, she never regained consciousness, and then the monitor showed a flat line.  Diana the nurse put her arm around me, asked if Mom Parson was a Christian.  She helped me in so many ways thru that night.   When the paperwork was finished and we were ready to leave the hospital, the hospital asked us if we had any commendations to pass on to the staff for a job well done

“Yes,” I replied.  “The nurse, Diana,  was so comforting.”

“No,” said the official, puzzled.  “We had no nurse named Diana on that floor.”

“She told me she was on special duty…….”   and then it struck me.  I had just been in the presence of an angel.  Family was not with me that night…. But I am convinced that God cared so much that He sent me the nurse Diana.

When my father died, he was in hospice.  He had steadily faded both physically and mentally.  By the end he was calling me “Teacher” and was seeing what we could not see. He had become so weak.  I whispered into his ear:  “Dad, we are all here.  We’ll take care of Mom.    You’ve fought the good fight…. run the good race.  When it’s time to go….. go in peace.”

We gathered, sang:

“Turn you eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace
Through death into life everlasting
He passed, and we follow Him there
Over us sin no more hath dominion
For more than conquerors we are.”

Then we prayed….. and he was gone.

Photo on 10-15-13 at 8.26 PM.jpg

One year ago today, my mother died.  She was trying so hard to reach her 90th birthday on March 16, but we could tell that it was going to be touch and go. On March 12, she rallied in that Hospice room.  She smiled, blew kisses, wiggled her fingers at us.  She had a little banana and a little ice cream…..  some favorite foods….. and this was after several days of not eating.  The doctor talked to us in the hall, saying that this was common…. and that he didn’t think she would last 24 more hours.  He was right.  Mom did not wake up the next morning. A massage therapist came in and gently  massaged her, bringing comfort to her weary body.   In the afternoon, I began to sing to her:

“You are my king…. Jesus, You are my king

I’m forgiven because You were forsaken
I’m accepted, You were condemned
I’m alive and well
Your spirit is within me
Because You died and rose again

Amazing love how can it be?
that  You my king would die for me
Amazing love I know its true
its my joy to honor You
in all I do, I honor You.”

The rest of the family had gone down the hall to eat.  Mom’s breathing started to change, and I called the family to come back FAST.  She gave three short bursts of breath, and that was the end.

The next few days were a blur for many different reasons.   When my mother in law died, I gave a short eulogy.  When my father died, I spoke of some things in his life.  But when my mother died, I could not speak.  I had witnessed all these deaths of people who were so important to me.  But this one was different.  I was now an orphan.

I knew that with her death came the end of stability and tradition and memories.  Family structure would never be the same.    The old ways would never be repeated.  All of the memories and stories of my parents were gone.   It’s been hard.

I’ve struggled this past year….mostly OK….. holding on to the promises of my faith that if one believes Jesus died and rose again, that that person is saved for eternity.  My parents both professed that faith.  I have professed that faith, and I know that I will see them again in the presence of God in heaven.  It gives me comfort.

But I was caretaker of my parents’ personal possessions.  For about five years, I protected these things in my basement, keeping it climate controlled, seeing that the exterminator kept insects away, making sure that nothing was lost to mold.  I didn’t touch the items until after Mom died.  And then …… cleaning them, sorting them,  trying to identify pictures and objects, arranging for items that no one wanted to be given to charity, helping my sibs choose what they wanted…… it was hours upon days of work.    As I handled each paper, each picture, each object, I began to understand my parents as young lovers, as parents and grandparents. I began to understand their dreams and frustrations.  And I wanted so much to sit down with them again and ask all the questions.

Photo on 1-24-12 at 9.00 PM.jpg

This year has shown me the impermanence of everything….. relationships, family, memories, life itself.    The great truth is that the only thing that remains is God.    This year has been painful, and I find that I cry out to God for wisdom and understanding like never before.

One year ago today……… oh!   I am caught in the flux of wanting to go back to when everything was good and we were young…. and being in the here and now….. and being in heaven myself.  My mind swirls with emotion.   I want to kiss my mom and dad one more time.   One. More. Time.

O Father God!!!!  Take me as I am.  Help me to sort the memories and cling to the good.  Help me carry on when it looks as if all around me is falling apart.  Show me the way!!!!

To God be the Glory,






Published in: on March 14, 2019 at 2:35 am  Leave a Comment  

Passports and License and SS Card….OH MY!!!!

Just Thinking………


Frustrating….. I have to renew my driver’s license. So…. I wash my face, comb my hair, and make sure I look good for the picture. Ha….. When I get to the license station, I get number 46 and waaaaaaaiiiiiiiit. But hey….. the wind didn’t blow my hair…… and I still had lipstick on.

So number 46 is called, and I go up to the desk, patting my hair on the way. The lady asks me if I use my license as an ID when I fly. Well yes. OK, she says, then you need your passport and social security card in order to get your license.

You mean…… I did my hair, put on lipstick, and show up…… and wait….. and I can’t get my license?

So I leave, drive home to get the key to our bank safe deposit box, drive to the bank and get said box, look thru the contents and find the passport, but no social security card. Rats……. I could have sworn that was where I kept it.

So I go home and look in obvious and un-obvious spots…. no card. Hubs suggested that we go to the social security office and get a new card. So I look it up online, just to make sure the hours are correct and see what I need to bring. I need to print off a form and fill it out. And I need a birth certificate. And a passport. And a license.

So it’s back to the bank…. the teller recognizes us, but doesn’t laugh. We shrug, get the safe deposit box and find our birth certificates. Hubs decides he had better get a new social security card, too, so he gets his passport out.

Then it was off to the social security office. After the guard goes thru my purse and verifies that my hubby doesn’t have a knife, we sit and waaaaaaaaiiiiiiiit for number D409 to be called. Days later….. seriously, it felt like days later….. D409 pops up on the screen. We hurry to the available window. I pull out the birth certificates, the passports, the drivers licenses, the little slip of paper the guard gave us to fill out, the forms we printed off and filled out.

No no no….. the lady says. Don’t need all that. Just need your license and the form you printed. She did her magic, returned the items, and told us the new cards would come in the mail later.

Just hope I get it all in time to get my drivers license. And then I have to do the hair and lipstick thing all over….. Sigh….

Father….. Patience is not my strong point.  Help me show more patience…. more mercy…. to those who are just doing their jobs.  Help me show Jesus in my words, my tone, my actions.  Amen

To God be the Glory……



Published in: on March 14, 2019 at 1:12 am  Leave a Comment  

Speaking Out Against Evil

Just Thinking….


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor, anti-Nazi dissident (he died in a German concentration camp) and author of The Cost of Discipleship,  poignantly stated, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak, is to speak. Not to act, is to act.”

The great reformer and civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “To ignore evil is to become accomplice to it.”

Sadly, these warnings are as appropriate and applicable to the church of America today as at any time in history, for an evil beyond the scale of the holocaust is underway. We have now moved from killing babies, dismembering them and selling their body parts, to murdering struggling infants that have survived the brutality of abortion. America has lost its soul. (Barbara Yoder)

Oh Father!  Give us boldness and discretion to speak out against the evil in our times.  Help us to not have fear while those around us scorn our efforts and ridicule our words.  Inspire the good men and women in this world  to take a stand against evil.

To God be the Glory,


Published in: on March 11, 2019 at 10:28 pm  Leave a Comment  

Then SHOUT!!!!!

Just thinking…..


Jericho was doomed.  The powerful fortified city just didn’t know it.  After all, they were behind the strong walls.   Those uncultured, ignorant wanderers surely were no match for Jericho.  And….hahaha….. they didn’t know enough to have weapons.

“Those poor deluded Hebrews…. thinking they even have  a chance…..”

The nation of Israel had been wandering for 40 years, but finally crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land.  The only problem was that this land  had been settled for hundreds of years….. and those folks really had no intention of handing over the land and the cities and the crops and the businesses, etc.  One of those cities was Jericho.

But Israel had its marching orders; it’s just that they were strange orders.  What kind of military strategy would tell its soldiers to just go march around a fortified city once, and then go back to camp?  And repeat the next day?   And keep on for six days?  Oh yes…. and no weapons…. just blow some trumpets.

But the seventh day!!!   Oh yes!!! The seventh day!   Things changed.    Here’s how Joshua 6 describes the scene:

 On the seventh day, they got up at daybreak and marched around the city seven times in the same manner, except that on that day they circled the city seven times.  The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!

When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city.  (Joshua 6:  15, 16, 20)

Can you imagine!!  The citizens of Jericho had been trembling for quite some time, as they heard the stories of the amazing God that led Israel, as they watched these wanderers draw near.  It was if they knew the day would come….. yet they huddled behind the walls, trusting those walls.

What I find most amazing is the shout.  There had been an eerie silence the previous six days…. no talking…. only the trumpets.  That in itself would have heightened the suspense.  Perhaps the Jericho-ans started to become accustomed to the marching around once, the silence, the strange trumpet blow.  They had not heard the shout.  And by the time they did, it was all over. The walls fell.  Israel was triumphant.  And only with a shout.

So what?  I was reading this section of Scripture this morning and began to think of the great wall around abortion.  The walls protecting this  issue seem strong.  There are  politics, money,  and power struggles surrounding abortion.  The few who dare question it seem puny.  How can they possibly attack Congressional votes?  How can they possibly sway popular culture?  How can they possibly bring down those walls?

These few march at the Pro-Life march.  These few work at pregnancy centers. These few donate to help the cause. These few pray.    These few may seem silly…. inconsequential to those behind the walls.

“Those poor deluded Christians…. thinking they even have  a chance…..”

I believe the seventh day is coming.  I believe that God of the Angel Armies will lead His people to SHOUT!!!!!  And those walls will fall.  Right now we who fight abortion are like the trumpets.   Day after day we sound the alarm:

These babies are human!  

Trumpet blast. 

This is murder! 

Trumpet blast.

And we continue to march…..

Be ready to SHOUT!!!  When the time is right, SHOUT!!   The abortion walls will fall in God’s perfect timing.  Meanwhile, we foot soldiers will obey, even when we don’t understand the ultimate plan.

Father, give us patience to await Your perfect timing.  Help us to not doubt Your plan.  Give us strength to keep on marching.  Get us ready to shout.   Remind us that we do not have to fight as the enemy fights.  Amen.

To God be the Glory…..


Published in: on March 2, 2019 at 7:33 pm  Comments (1)